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by helifogel
18 Aug 2009 21:28
Forum: Suggestions / Vorschläge
Topic: Pause still uses cpu
Replies: 1
Views: 5141

Pause still uses cpu

Hi all This is one great and fun sim! :) A small thing (and I guess it wouldn't be too hard to fix) that I've noticed is that HELI-X still uses a lot of cpu while paused. The fps counter maxing out tells me the graphics are still rendered although simulation is suspended. Anyway, it would be nice if ...
by helifogel
13 Aug 2009 23:11
Forum: Suggestions / Vorschläge
Topic: Positionsbestimmung Vereinfachen
Replies: 7
Views: 11935

Re: Positionsbestimmung Vereinfachen

I got this idea too :geek: after having hit a pylon several times due to the fact that you can't really judge the distance since the screen is inherently 2D. So I thought I'd pass the idea here in the forum, and there was your post! Anyway, It would have been an interesting experiment (and also a ...