How to start with full-screen canvas?

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How to start with full-screen canvas?

Post by Grant_Edwards »

With 10.1 on Linux, how do you get heli-x to start in "full" full-screen mode?

Heli-x starts in whichever windowed/full-screen mode it was running when it was shut down.

However, when it starts in full-screen mode, the canvas size doesn't take up the full screen: it's whatever size it was in windowed mode. There is no desktop showing and there are no window borders (as expected), but the canvas isn't the size that's been configured for full-screen mode, and it doesn't take up the whole screen (there are black areas above and right of the canvas).

Switching to windowed mode and then back to full screen will fix it so that the canvas takes up the entire screen until the next time heli-x starts. But switching modes loses colors...
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