Suggestion for Demo

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Suggestion for Demo

Post by ghite »

I downloaded your demo for version 1.1 a couple of days ago and am impressed with the graphics, features and helicopter physics but I do have a suggestion you may want to consider for your demos. I have been evaluating the demo using the Trex model available by setting up the parameters for the model and transmitter to match the way I have my actual Trex setup. By the time I get the controller settings, model parameters and weather conditions set up to my liking I only get about 45 seconds to actually fly the simulator before the demo times out and everything has to be reset.

In addition there seem to be a few glitches that require the controller to be recalibrated (not sure if this is hardware of software related) which further reduces the time to actually fly the model.

I realize that this is shareware and the goal is to sell software (I have been involved in the development of a number of business applications initially marked as shareware) but the time allowed between nag screen timeout is not enough for a good evaluation. I would be much more inclined to purchase the software if the demo were set up more in line with the way other shareware applications function. I believe you would get better results by limiting the nag screen to startup only, allowing access to all features and setting a timeout for the demo based on a number of days since installation or number of times the demo is launched. This would allow for a much better evaluation of the software and as well as provide an additional incentive for purchase. If potential customers are allowed full access to all features for a sufficient amount of time to actually begin enjoying the application they are more inclined to purchase when the demo time runs out.

I think your product has some real potential, but without a proper evaluation I would not consider purchase at your asking price.

Thank you for your time.
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Re: Suggestion for Demo

Post by Michael »

Hello ghite,

thank you for your suggestions. I am not sure, that every thing runs well on your system. All the settings (controller, wind etc.) are stored at the end of the program. And if you start HEHLI-X again, all of them should still be there and you have the chance to fly all the time.

I understand, that a 30-day version would be more convenient for the customers. However, HELI-X is a multiplatform program and I am very much in favor of clear and transparent software behaviors. Thus, there are no hidden internet accesses and no entries in the registry and so on. You can just delete the HELI-X folder from your system and your system is exactly as before. Under this conditions, it is nearly impossible to realize what you suggest. Sorry for that.

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