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by Mehari
17 May 2018 09:04
Forum: HELI-X on Mac OS-X
Topic: Connection issues
Replies: 3
Views: 10977

Re: Connection issues

I managed to get things sorted after playing around for a while with transmitter channels and the Input System in Global Settings. The only system that recognised all channels was jinput-b8.jar.

Thanks Michael
by Mehari
15 May 2018 09:43
Forum: HELI-X on Mac OS-X
Topic: Connection issues
Replies: 3
Views: 10977

Re: Connection issues

Okay. I have dumped the Pre-Flight RC USB connector and now have a 'SuperSimX' adapter which has a switch to select XTR G2 FMS, G4 G5 G6.5, Aerofly and PhoenixRC. Heli-X now recognises the controller in each of the four switch positions but I am not yet able to complete the controller setup process ...
by Mehari
07 May 2018 11:02
Forum: HELI-X on Mac OS-X
Topic: Trouble with controller
Replies: 4
Views: 9596

Re: Trouble with controller

Hi Michael

Sorry - I accidentally jumped threads. All the info about my hardware appears in the thread I started earlier today entitled "Connection Issues".

by Mehari
07 May 2018 09:07
Forum: HELI-X on Mac OS-X
Topic: Trouble with controller
Replies: 4
Views: 9596

Re: Trouble with controller

Hi Michael I have tried all five of the Global settings/Input settings. In every case I get a "no joystick found message". I think I should try a new USB interface. None of the USB interfaces recommended on your support page are currently available (the first three appear to have dropped them ...
by Mehari
07 May 2018 06:54
Forum: HELI-X on Mac OS-X
Topic: Connection issues
Replies: 3
Views: 10977

Connection issues

I have not used Heli-X for a few years and have recently been trying to start again with the demo version of V7 on my Mac running High Sierra 10.13.4. Unfortunately I have not yet been able to establish a connection with my transmitter. I have tried with a Spectrum DX7 and an FrSky Horus X12S ...
by Mehari
15 Oct 2008 23:27
Forum: Other questions regarding HELI-X / Andere Fragen zu HELI-X
Topic: Heli-X and controller Mode
Replies: 3
Views: 6897

Re: Heli-X and controller Mode


I had the swash mix set to '3 servos/120 degrees'. I tried the other three combinations and found that '1 servo norm' is the only one that works. After a couple of servo reversals to get proper control I am now flying.

Many thanks for your help. Congratulations on a great sim.
by Mehari
15 Oct 2008 12:37
Forum: Other questions regarding HELI-X / Andere Fragen zu HELI-X
Topic: Heli-X and controller Mode
Replies: 3
Views: 6897

Heli-X and controller Mode

Can someone tell me whether Heli-X is compatible with both Mode 1 and Mode 2 transmitters? I have a Mode 1 Spektrum DX7 transmitter connected to an iMac running OS10.5.2 via a Dynam SimulatorLine USB cable. The transmitter appears to communicate with Heli-X okay but after the controller ...