Search found 6 matches

by jinxjx
28 Aug 2023 01:17
Forum: HELI-X on Windows
Topic: Marsdorf location
Replies: 6
Views: 9367

Re: Marsdorf location

ok, going to fullscreen mode crashes to desktop on marsdorf and certain helis. in windows mode its fine. im running 34" 16:9 ultrawide 3440 x 1440. i have fps enabled and in windows mode its locked at 164 fps. all my other sims/games are fine in fullscreen......thanlk you
by jinxjx
27 Aug 2023 20:16
Forum: HELI-X on Windows
Topic: Marsdorf location
Replies: 6
Views: 9367

Re: Marsdorf location

I redownloaded Marsdorf airport and all good now, i must have had a corrupted file or something. Thanks for fixing Schneeszenerie ....thank you :D
by jinxjx
25 Aug 2023 15:07
Forum: HELI-X on Windows
Topic: Marsdorf location
Replies: 6
Views: 9367

Re: Marsdorf location

nevermind !!, i deleted these two junk airports !!!! all good now
by jinxjx
23 Aug 2023 22:10
Forum: HELI-X on Windows
Topic: Marsdorf location
Replies: 6
Views: 9367

Marsdorf location

hi, is there something wrong with this location ? when i open this airport, it opens but then closes to desktop. all the others are fine.....also with schneeszenerie airport the heli starts/sits 4ft off the ground.......thanks.... :shock:
by jinxjx
20 Oct 2022 21:08
Forum: HELI-X on Windows
Topic: Heli quivers on ground
Replies: 2
Views: 7147

Re: Heli quivers on ground

So nobody runs this sim ? Figures.
by jinxjx
17 Oct 2022 22:53
Forum: HELI-X on Windows
Topic: Heli quivers on ground
Replies: 2
Views: 7147

Heli quivers on ground

Hello, does anyone else have this issue ? the heli quivers while on the ground, like a very rapid trembling up and down..Ok, only certain airports and helis do it...With the tron 5.5 and 7.0 and Soxos 7.1 with BMFA does it...Haaksbergerveen does it.. With the tron 5.5 and 7.0 and Soxos 7.1 at ...