Search found 9 matches

by Thoraptor
28 Mar 2014 08:11
Forum: HELI-X on Windows
Topic: Which cable fits Spectrum DX8
Replies: 8
Views: 13304

Re: Which cable fits Spectrum DX8

Yes the cable works fine. I am using a Windows system. No idea about the Mac.
Sorry about the delay.
by Thoraptor
20 Feb 2014 12:57
Forum: HELI-X on Windows
Topic: Switch allocation/ always spooled up
Replies: 4
Views: 7450

Re: Switch allocation/ always spooled up

Thanks JS1, I now understand what I should expect.
Thanks for your help.
by Thoraptor
02 Feb 2014 02:31
Forum: HELI-X on Windows
Topic: Switch allocation/ always spooled up
Replies: 4
Views: 7450

Re: Switch allocation/ always spooled up

Hi Michael,

When the heli reset after a crash or first appears on the screen, the main blades are already spinning.
Spooling up is getting the blades spinning at a speed ready for the pitch to take over and lift the heli off.

by Thoraptor
01 Feb 2014 07:18
Forum: HELI-X on Windows
Topic: Switch allocation/ always spooled up
Replies: 4
Views: 7450

Switch allocation/ always spooled up

Hi Folks, Very new to this trainer and Flying so just looking for help to get started. Have installed the free version and using the Dielersdork (Skybox 1034) and the T-Rex 600 6s. If I can get this working properly then I intend to purchase the version 5. Went through and set up the Tx then it took ...
by Thoraptor
03 Jan 2014 01:10
Forum: HELI-X on Windows
Topic: Which cable fits Spectrum DX8
Replies: 8
Views: 13304

Re: Which cable fits Spectrum DX8

Thanks Bagman349,

Will now go ahead and order the cable

many thanks
by Thoraptor
01 Jan 2014 05:19
Forum: HELI-X on Windows
Topic: Which cable fits Spectrum DX8
Replies: 8
Views: 13304

Re: Which cable fits Spectrum DX8

Hi Bagman 349, Thanks for your prompt reply. Is the cable you are suggesting the one suggested on this website - on the support page? I clicked on that link and it showed a cable with a USB plug on one end and a round plug on the other. USB is OK, but the round plug would not fit into the Spectrum ...
by Thoraptor
28 Dec 2013 03:09
Forum: HELI-X on Windows
Topic: Which cable fits Spectrum DX8
Replies: 8
Views: 13304

Which cable fits Spectrum DX8

Hi folks,

I notice you recommend a cable on your site for the Tx.
Does this cable work with a Spectrum DX8?

What is the best cable for the DX8 Transmitter?

by Thoraptor
26 Dec 2013 21:23
Forum: HELI-X on Windows
Topic: Cable compatibility
Replies: 2
Views: 5223

Re: Cable compatibility

Hi Michael, Thanks. Looks Like I have to purchase one. I did notice that the Phoenix cable I have has 3 sections on the plug going into the Spectrum DX8 but the photo of the cable suggested on the website only has 2 sections. HeliDirect have no stock at present. What cable works with the Spectrum ...
by Thoraptor
26 Dec 2013 12:54
Forum: HELI-X on Windows
Topic: Cable compatibility
Replies: 2
Views: 5223

Cable compatibility

Hi Folks,
I have a Spectrum DX8 and have been using the Phoenix sim.
Can the Phoenix sim cable be used with the heli-x sim?
Is it compatible?
