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by Laurent396
19 Jan 2014 15:18
Forum: HELI-X on Linux
Topic: I do not see the helicopter
Replies: 4
Views: 9266

Re: I do not see the helicopter

I have no message in the terminal window
I try to install Nvidia non-free driver but I can't load the module Nvidia.
I will continue with 4.0
by Laurent396
18 Jan 2014 13:41
Forum: HELI-X on Linux
Topic: I do not see the helicopter
Replies: 4
Views: 9266

I do not see the helicopter

I try to use Heli-X5 on Debian 7.3 with XFCE desktop
I configure the controleur, it works.
I hear the helicopter, it seems to fly, but not visible
Heli-X4 works very well.
Thanks to help me