Search found 5 matches

by foxmaster
10 Apr 2009 17:54
Forum: HELI-X on Linux
Topic: controller :|
Replies: 4
Views: 7924

Re: controller :|

What a great simulator I love it.
I got all problems fixed now. I went to a rc store and bought me a dummy usb transmitter, works great now
by foxmaster
07 Apr 2009 21:31
Forum: Announcements and News / Ankündigungen und Neuigkeiten
Topic: Tester für HELI-X 2.0
Replies: 2
Views: 6732

Re: Tester für HELI-X 2.0

And in english ??????
by foxmaster
07 Apr 2009 11:28
Forum: HELI-X on Linux
Topic: controller :|
Replies: 4
Views: 7924

Re: controller :|

I Have fixed the problem with the rights in the /dev folder. Now Iam stuck on that my linux cant calibrate my controller :(

by foxmaster
03 Apr 2009 20:46
Forum: HELI-X on Linux
Topic: controller :|
Replies: 4
Views: 7924

Re: controller :|

Iam using version 1.1 of Heli-x and iam on a kbuntu 8.10 system. And same result when iam root!
by foxmaster
03 Apr 2009 18:15
Forum: HELI-X on Linux
Topic: controller :|
Replies: 4
Views: 7924

controller :|

Hello friends! Iam new to this rc hobby but i got me a walkera 36 and thought i train in a sim and I found heli-x. Now for the problem, The program starts but no reaction when I calibrate the controller. I've read the posts on the forum and the problem is most likly the permissions on the /dev/input ...