I have a DX6i and a Devo 7...
I purchsed the USB to serial cable that plugs into the TX, but the Heli0X never see's the stick changes.
It asks me to calibrate, but still no movement on the display when I move the sticks.
The TX shows PC in the display.
C:\HELI-X4>set system=windows-i586
C:\HELI-X4>set libPath=./libs
C:\HELI-X4>set libPath=./libs;./libs/gluegen/windows-i586
C:\HELI-X4>set libPath=./libs;./libs/gluegen/windows-i586;./libs/jinput/windows-
C:\HELI-X4>set libPath=./libs;./libs/gluegen/windows-i586;./libs/jinput/windows-
C:\HELI-X4>set libPath=./libs;./libs/gluegen/windows-i586;./libs/jinput/windows-
C:\HELI-X4>set libPath=./libs;./libs/gluegen/windows-i586;./libs/jinput/windows-
C:\HELI-X4>set jars=./libs/HeliX/HeliX.jar
C:\HELI-X4>set jars=./libs/HeliX/HeliX.jar;./libs/gluegen/gluegen-rt.jar
C:\HELI-X4>set jars=./libs/HeliX/HeliX.jar;./libs/gluegen/gluegen-rt.jar;./libs/
C:\HELI-X4>set jars=./libs/HeliX/HeliX.jar;./libs/gluegen/gluegen-rt.jar;./libs/
C:\HELI-X4>set jars=./libs/HeliX/HeliX.jar;./libs/gluegen/gluegen-rt.jar;./libs/
C:\HELI-X4>set jars=./libs/HeliX/HeliX.jar;./libs/gluegen/gluegen-rt.jar;./libs/
C:\HELI-X4>set jars=./libs/HeliX/HeliX.jar;./libs/gluegen/gluegen-rt.jar;./libs/
C:\HELI-X4>set jars=./libs/HeliX/HeliX.jar;./libs/gluegen/gluegen-rt.jar;./libs/
C:\HELI-X4>set jars=./libs/HeliX/HeliX.jar;./libs/gluegen/gluegen-rt.jar;./libs/
C:\HELI-X4>set jars=./libs/HeliX/HeliX.jar;./libs/gluegen/gluegen-rt.jar;./libs/
C:\HELI-X4>set jars=./libs/HeliX/HeliX.jar;./libs/gluegen/gluegen-rt.jar;./libs/
C:\HELI-X4>set jars=./libs/HeliX/HeliX.jar;./libs/gluegen/gluegen-rt.jar;./libs/
C:\HELI-X4>set jars=./libs/HeliX/HeliX.jar;./libs/gluegen/gluegen-rt.jar;./libs/
C:\HELI-X4>set jars=./libs/HeliX/HeliX.jar;./libs/gluegen/gluegen-rt.jar;./libs/
C:\HELI-X4>set jars=./libs/HeliX/HeliX.jar;./libs/gluegen/gluegen-rt.jar;./libs/
C:\HELI-X4>Java\jre7\bin\java.exe -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Djava.library.path=
s-i586;./libs/lwjgl/windows-i586;./libs/joal/windows-i586 -Xmx512m -XX:+UseConcM
arkSweepGC -classpath ./libs/HeliX/HeliX.jar;./libs/gluegen/gluegen-rt.jar;./lib
us_share.jar HELIX
Set new path for the resources: C:/HELI-X4/resources/
Set new path for the user files: C:/HELI-X4/files/
Couldn't find tag "Resolution" in file "C:/HELI-X4/files/Application/ViewSetting
Using openGLLayer JOGL_AWT
Found 222 display modes
Controller found: Name: 6 axis 12 button device with hat switch(6 axis 12 button
device with hat switch)
Using Stick 6 axis 12 button device with hat switch
Analog component found:Y Rotation
Analog component found:X Rotation
Analog component found:Y Axis
Analog component found:X Axis
Analog component found:Z Rotation
Analog component found:Z Axis
Digital component found:Hat Switch
Digital component found:Button 0
Digital component found:Button 1
Digital component found:Button 2
Digital component found:Button 3
Digital component found:Button 4
Digital component found:Button 5
Digital component found:Button 6
Digital component found:Button 7
Digital component found:Button 8
Digital component found:Button 9
Digital component found:Button 10
Digital component found:Button 11
Controller configuration file found: C:/HELI-X4/files/controller/6axis12buttonde
Controller configuration file C:/HELI-X4/files/controller/6axis12buttondevicewit
hhatswitch.xml read
How do I make my DX6i work with Heli-X?
Re: How do I make my DX6i work with Heli-X?
... the output looks well. Please check your system settings in Windows if there you can see moveemnts of the controller.
Re: How do I make my DX6i work with Heli-X?
How would I check in windows, I tried DXTreak and also did not show the movement.
Is there another place to look.
I am using the GWS FS USB cable
Is there another place to look.
I am using the GWS FS USB cable
Re: How do I make my DX6i work with Heli-X?
looking at the logs, i see this with pages of info.
will only post the header.
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x2d4113a0, pid=7128, tid=7264
# JRE version: 7.0_07-b11
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (23.3-b01 mixed mode windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C [ig7icd32.dll+0x413a0] RegisterProcTableCallback+0x38ea0
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# http://bugreport.sun.com/bugreport/crash.jsp
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
will only post the header.
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x2d4113a0, pid=7128, tid=7264
# JRE version: 7.0_07-b11
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (23.3-b01 mixed mode windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C [ig7icd32.dll+0x413a0] RegisterProcTableCallback+0x38ea0
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# http://bugreport.sun.com/bugreport/crash.jsp
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
Re: How do I make my DX6i work with Heli-X?
I am a bit confused: The first post indicates that HELI-X is running, the last post that HELI-X is crashing.
And again: Check the controller in the system settings of Windows.
I am a bit confused: The first post indicates that HELI-X is running, the last post that HELI-X is crashing.
And again: Check the controller in the system settings of Windows.
Re: How do I make my DX6i work with Heli-X?
I've a similar problem but only to assign the radio switch (for example aileron D/R switch) to an action on the simulator...all the sticks movement are ok in my radio...
I've a Specktrum DX4 too, and with this radio its all ok...the simulator intercept the "acrobatic" switch and the "trainer button" correctly.
Using this radio switch on DX4 I've assigned the idle1 function rather then use of the keybord.
This problem is not so important for simulator that works very well use but is more confortable for me.
Is it possible configure Heli-X correctly with DX6 radio?
great fly
I've a similar problem but only to assign the radio switch (for example aileron D/R switch) to an action on the simulator...all the sticks movement are ok in my radio...
I've a Specktrum DX4 too, and with this radio its all ok...the simulator intercept the "acrobatic" switch and the "trainer button" correctly.
Using this radio switch on DX4 I've assigned the idle1 function rather then use of the keybord.
This problem is not so important for simulator that works very well use but is more confortable for me.
Is it possible configure Heli-X correctly with DX6 radio?
great fly

Real Blade MCPX V2 full brushless, Blade 130X and V911
Re: How do I make my DX6i work with Heli-X?
I wonder if Helix Version 5 will solve this problem for us.
I am eagerly waiting the delivery of version 5.
Happy Holidays.
I am eagerly waiting the delivery of version 5.
Happy Holidays.
Re: How do I make my DX6i work with Heli-X?
It is. Many people use this transmitter with Heli-X. Just search this or the major heli forums for related posts.auceto wrote:Is it possible configure Heli-X correctly with DX6 radio?
Modelling helis for Heli-X! See model build log here.