Heli quivers on ground
Heli quivers on ground
Hello, does anyone else have this issue ? the heli quivers while on the ground, like a very rapid trembling up and down..Ok, only certain airports and helis do it...With the tron 5.5 and 7.0 and Soxos 7.1 with BMFA does it...Haaksbergerveen does it.. With the tron 5.5 and 7.0 and Soxos 7.1 at Luebeck doesn"t do it but its a hard surface like the other two.. Trex 550 does it on luebeck and most airports as does the Oxy 5.......thank you
Re: Heli quivers on ground
So nobody runs this sim ? Figures.
Re: Heli quivers on ground
This might be to the contact parameters of the scene and the helicopter. It might help not give too much negative pitch