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How to make a helicopter model?

Posted: 10 Apr 2013 00:56
by Lightstrid
Data is broken when OBJ output is read by software such as Maya the helicopter existing models.
Do you think there is a way of special OBJ output something?
Information for making a model of Heli-X is too old.
And also, it is lacking in detail about the OBJ output and how to make.
The problem is OBJ output.
Why the creator of the Heli-X Do not expose the details and specifications for OBJ output of the model?
Please tell me more about this issue someone.
I want to make a helicopter.

Re: How to make a helicopter model?

Posted: 10 Apr 2013 19:12
by Michael
Obj is the file format of wavefront which can be exported by many 3d programs. For details please look at the user's manual of HELI-X, chapter 5.

Feel free to aks further questions, I am glad to help.


Re: How to make a helicopter model?

Posted: 11 Apr 2013 03:26
by Lightstrid
I OBJ output using Maya2013 and 3ds MAX2012 and Wings 3D 1.4.1.
However, OBJ file output in any software does not work with HELI-X.
Way I've tried is as follows.
Data of the helicopter thing is included in the HELI-X.
I did the OBJ output reads the data model running of HELI-X in each software.
HELI-X has been frozen by the output options of OBJ in Maya.
Wings 3D and MAX, I still do not work as well in the HELI-X Maya OBJ file that can be output successfully.
Model is transparent, crash sound is repeated.

Reads the data model running on HELI-X, I just output unmodified.
User manual does not explain it.
There is no sense to create a data model, the output is this.
If there is a mistake in that I have done, please point out.

Re: How to make a helicopter model?

Posted: 11 Apr 2013 10:37
by Michael

just send me your model per email and I will check it


Re: How to make a helicopter model?

Posted: 11 Apr 2013 14:18
by Lightstrid
I understand.
I send an email with the model data.

Re: How to make a helicopter model?

Posted: 18 Jul 2013 10:21
by JS1
@Lightstrid: Did you solve your issue?

If not, maybe check if the Mainrotor and Tailrotor groups are named correctly in the exported OBJ file. You can check this by opening the file in wordpad or similar and search the object group "Mainrotor". If it is not named exactly like that, rename it.

Also, OBJ export options are 3D program dependent, not Heli-X specific. I can tell you the most important I use with Blender, maybe Maya or Wings3D have similar options:
- select export material (mtl)
- select triangulate faces
- select export normals
- DE-select export edges (not export loose vertices)

Also check the XML file if there are textures referenced in TextureShape that are not present.