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(HobbyKing) 6Ch R/C Flight Simulator on MAC OS ???
Posted: 18 Sep 2013 22:00
by TeegeeSwiss
Hello !
I bought the following 6CH USB controller from Hobby King: ... de_2_.html
This one is in the supported controller list:
It is recognized on the Mac OS version of Heli-X 4.2, but it is impossible to configure it
Thank you in advance and happy flying !
Re: (HobbyKing) 6Ch R/C Flight Simulator on MAC OS ???
Posted: 19 Sep 2013 19:05
by Michael
Did you try to configure the joystick in HELI-X? Do you see any movement of the sticks?
Re: (HobbyKing) 6Ch R/C Flight Simulator on MAC OS ???
Posted: 19 Sep 2013 21:54
by TeegeeSwiss
Yes I tried to configure.
Movement are seen in Heli-X but are not usable:
It's just recognized with 3 positions: center, full left/up, full right/down without any steps in between...
All 4 sticks channel are like that with only 3 recognized positions: -100% or 0%=center or +100% ???
If you need more informations just ask; I would be happy to provide any needed informations.
PS: It is only on Mac OS X, with Parallels and Windows 7, the same controller works perfectly.
Re: (HobbyKing) 6Ch R/C Flight Simulator on MAC OS ???
Posted: 02 Oct 2013 16:56
by TeegeeSwiss
Any news ?
I wish me a version 5 of Heli-X with new controler possibilities

Re: (HobbyKing) 6Ch R/C Flight Simulator on MAC OS ???
Posted: 01 Nov 2013 09:31
by wecksell
I have the same problem, did you solve it? When I try the controller in another program I also have a problem though, so it might not be Heli-X fault.
When using the "Controller Lite" free test-application from App Store to try a joystick, it doesn't really give an impression that the controller is being interpreted correctly, but it does give reaction from input of the controller..
When i try to configure, I get discrete outputs from the controller in the display, even after taking the sticks to max/min, the bar shows only 0,100,-100, no values in between.
Bummer, seems I have to do this on another computer with this controller…. Not pleased.
Re: (HobbyKing) 6Ch R/C Flight Simulator on MAC OS ???
Posted: 04 Nov 2013 22:38
by TeegeeSwiss
Hi wecksell
Sadely NO, the problem is still unsolved.
I have the same problem as you described with only discrete outputs from controller
It is not the Heli-X fault, but it might be solved with new libraries for controllers ??? Hope so

In any cause it would be good to mention here ( that this (HobbyKing) 6Ch R/C Flight Simulator controller only works on the windows version.