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Cable compatibility
Posted: 26 Dec 2013 12:54
by Thoraptor
Hi Folks,
I have a Spectrum DX8 and have been using the Phoenix sim.
Can the Phoenix sim cable be used with the heli-x sim?
Is it compatible?
Re: Cable comparability
Posted: 26 Dec 2013 13:03
by Michael
No, the Phoenix cable is not compatible.
Re: Cable compatibility
Posted: 26 Dec 2013 21:23
by Thoraptor
Hi Michael,
Thanks. Looks Like I have to purchase one.
I did notice that the Phoenix cable I have has 3 sections on the plug going into the Spectrum DX8 but the photo of the cable suggested on the website only has 2 sections.
HeliDirect have no stock at present.
What cable works with the Spectrum DX8?
Is it the one that is suggested or is there a different one?