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Happy New Year with Version 5

Posted: 01 Jan 2014 11:49
by Michael

I wish you all a happy new year and happy landings.

Version 5 is ready for download. Some helicopters and scenes are still missing (and also the user's manual), but this will come.

Many many thanks to all the contributors, the beta testers, the mdoel creators, the scene makers.....
In particular, I want to mention Jan for the many many new models, Torsten and Rolf for their continuous support in model creation, and Paul for the great scenes which make use of the capabilities of HELI-X.

Users of Version 4: You have to download the demo version 5 and activate it. You can use both versions in parallel.

I wish you the best


Re: Happy New Year with Version 5

Posted: 01 Jan 2014 13:59
by ReinhardG
was ist mit den Beta-Usern ? - haben wir schon die aktuelle Final ?

ich geh mal aktualisiernen ... mal schauen was passiert ... :D

//edit: Yes, Sir ... works perfect ... :D

kurze Frage noch: wie kann ich die untere Statusleiste wieder einschalten ? - da stand immer schön übersichtlich die Drehzahl und mehr ...

Re: Happy New Year with Version 5

Posted: 01 Jan 2014 15:41
by Michael
Sicht->Statuszeile ein.

Betatester müssen gar nichts machen, die haben die aktuelle Version.


Re: Happy New Year with Version 5

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 00:23
by evercrash
Why does it not see my controller? It worked with alle the beta-4 versions.
Why does it not handle failed downloads in a human-friendly (or automatic) way?

I was running the lastest beta and downloaded version 5.
It crashed during startup (liblwjgl.jnilib).
Then I moved Library/HELI-X5 away (on mac/mavericks).
And started to download helis and airports again.

Two hours later (after a lot of frustration with stalling downloads that were stuck for 10-12 minutes before I was given an opportunity to retry), I notice that it can’t see the controller anymore. The two other sims I have (cgm and aerofly), can. So my controller connection is OK. It did not crash.

The lastest beta-4 crashes with Library/HELI-X5 from version 5, and version 5 crashes with Library/HELI-X5 from the latest beta-4. So the latest beta-4 and the final version are not the same.

Here is a fragment of the crash report, heli-x5 with Library/HELI-X5 from the latest 4-beta:

OS Version: Mac OS X 10.9.1 (13B42)
Report Version: 11
Anonymous UUID: 7C2AC71C-D3D6-D398-418B-FF50862F0092
Crashed Thread: 35 Java: LWJGL Renderer Thread
Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000700000001
VM Regions Near 0x700000001:
CG shared images 00000001c4672000-00000001c467a000 [ 32K] r--/r-- SM=SHM
Java 00000007bae00000-00000007cae00000 [256.0M] rw-/rwx SM=PRV

Application Specific Information:
Java information:
Exception type: Bus Error (0xa) at pc=1128db66d
Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (20.65-b04-462 mixed mode macosx-amd64)

Re: Happy New Year with Version 5

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 09:26
by Michael
You are on Mac? Please remove the folder HEli-X5 in your personal library folder and install HELI-X 5 again.


Re: Happy New Year with Version 5

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 16:05
by JS1
Thanks Michael!

Despite having been beta tester, I completely removed the old files and re-installed new, just to get rid of my old testing stuff ;) . Win7 64bit. Worked like a charm! Installed, registered, calibrated, done :D .

Re: Happy New Year with Version 5

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 18:45
by evercrash
Michael wrote:You are on Mac? Please remove the folder HEli-X5 in your personal library folder and install HELI-X 5 again.
That’s what I did. And it could not see the controller with the 5 final release. Before I removed the HELI-X5 folder it could not start without crashing. I already wrote that.
Now I have removed version 5 and restored the latest beta (5.0.1401) and $HOME/Library/HELI-X5 from backup and the controller works again.

Re: Happy New Year with Version 5

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 19:39
by Michael
Could you please send me via email the
jinput.jar and the libjinput_osx.jnilib from your HELI-X5 folder in your personal library?



Re: Happy New Year with Version 5

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 20:45
by evercrash
Michael wrote:Could you please send me via email the
jinput.jar and the libjinput_osx.jnilib from your HELI-X5 folder in your personal library?


Those that work or those that don’t?

Re: Happy New Year with Version 5

Posted: 02 Jan 2014 20:48
by Michael
Those that work