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Taranis USB Joystick interface

Posted: 25 Oct 2014 00:52
by dfruehwald
Has anyone used the Taranis USB Joystick mode that was added with OpenTX 2.0 with Heli-X?

When I tried it recognized the controller but I couldn't get any movement on the sticks.

Re: Taranis USB Joystick interface

Posted: 15 Feb 2015 21:14
by copterflieger-muc
Tried it with my Taranis (OpenTX V2.0.15)
recognized as USB-Joystick under Win8, right
Works in Heli-X but: slow and not realtime. From time-to-time model just flew away very quickly (simulated Fly-away :lol: )

I´m using USB-Cable from my AerosimRC Package instead