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Mixing in Transmitter
Posted: 08 Aug 2012 02:31
by dfruehwald
While I'm waiting for my interface to arrive so I can try out the demo, I was reading through the manual and noticed that all the channel mixing is done in the simulator. Have you considered adding a mode for those using computer radios to do the mixing in the transmitter instead?
I don't know if other people would be interested but I think it would be cool. Would be a way to play with the mixing in your TX and help figure out how to program some things before trying it on the real deal. Think of it as TX training.
Re: Mixing in Transmitter
Posted: 08 Aug 2012 06:00
by ThomasC
I have never heard about a simulator simulating different types of swashplate. As the setup of swashplate mixing mainly includes the "hardware setup" of your heli, including selection of servo arms, adjusting linkage attachment, securing screws and such, I personally don't see the point in simulating that - it's a pre-flight thing and can easily be learned on a real heli without much danger. I know of a simulator that allows you to use the pitch- and throttle-curves of your transmitter, though: HeliSimRC (free). Not a bad addition to Heli-X, as it has proven to be very effective for learning to hover, it's more difficult than Heli-X in that respect. Hope it's okay to name a simulator different from Heli-X here - as it's free, I don't see it as a competing product, but as a good addition for hover training and learning to adjust pitch- and throttle-curves.
Re: Mixing in Transmitter
Posted: 08 Aug 2012 18:21
by dfruehwald
I wasn't clear, I didn't mean stuff like swashplate setup. I figure that would be 1 servo 90 or Normal (swash mix in heli). Like you said I meant more the pitch/throttle curve settings, flight modes, mixing between channels, etc. In Phoenix you can do this and it is kind of cool since setup all the flight modes on say a DX8 (which has four) similar to the physical Heli.